Classical and quantum oscillators of quartic anharmonicity are solved analytically up to the second power of ( weak-coupling constant) by using the multiple-scale perturbation theory. 应用多尺度微扰理论研究了弱耦合非简谐参数的经典和量子四次非谐振子,得到了四次非简谐运动方程的经典和量子二阶解。
Application of Quantum Genetic Algorithm on Dielectric Constant Distribution Imaging Under Fewer Sounding Points 量子遗传算法在较少探测点下的介电常数分布截面成像中的应用
Surface electron escape probability ( P) in quantum efficiency formula of GaAs photocathode commonly is taken for a constant independent of incident photon wavelength(λ) within photocathode working wave band. GaAs光电阴极量子效率公式中用到的表面电子逸出概率,在阴极工作波段范围内通常视为与入射光子波长无关的常数。
The squeezing property of the light in the system of two-mode squeezing vacuum field interacting with two coupling atoms in Kerr medium is studied by means of quantum theory. The influences of coupling constant x are discussed. 研究了存在克尔介质时,双模压缩真空场与耦合二能级原子相互作用系统中光场的压缩性质,讨论了克尔介质与光场的耦合强度对光场压缩特性的影响。
And calculated the dielectric constant of silicon quantum dots by way of photoluminescent spectra of silicon quantum dots determined at room temperature; and confirmed the dimensional effect of the dielectric constant of silicon quantum dots. 通过室温下测得的硅量子点的光荧光光谱,计算硅量子点的介电常数,证实硅量子点介电常数的尺度效应。
Determination of the quantum yields of Gibberellin, Hypocrellin A and phenol showed that there were respectively ranges of excitation wavelengths for the relative constant of quantum yields of them. 通过对赤毒素、竹红菌甲素及苯酚量子产率的测定与比较发现,这三种荧光化合物都具有一个相对于激发波长的量子产率的稳定区域。
For the bipolar quantum hydrodynamic model, the solutions is unique if Planck constant is large sufficiently. 如果Planck常数足够大,双极模型的解是唯一的。
CNDO/ 2 quantum chemistry calculation method was used to explain the results of acid dissociation constant measurements. 运用CNDO/2量化计算方法对离解常数的测定结果进行了讨论。
The discovery of the Quantum Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron system not only provides a new method for determination of the fine-structure constant but also may be used to develop a resistance standard, which will be outlined in the paper. 二维电子系统量子霍尔效应的发现,不仅提供了一种测定精细结构常数的新方法,而且还可用作电阻标准.本文简要介绍这一领域的概况。
The rapidity of the loss of the quantum nonlocality depends on the amplitude of the initial squeezed vacuum state and the cavity damping constant and the average photon number of thermal environment. 非局域性的消失速度依赖于初始压缩真空态的振幅、热库的平均光子数和腔的衰退系数。
For double-layer ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic superlattices, the magnetization decreases with increasing temperature, and increases with increasing spin quantum number, intralayer exchange couplings and anisotropy constant. 对于双层亚铁磁性超晶格和双层铁磁性超晶格,低温磁矩随着温度的升高而减小,随着自旋量子数、层内耦合系数、各向异性参数的增大而增大。